Ontological meaning的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列線上看、影評和彩蛋懶人包

Ontological meaning的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Youngblood Jackson, Alecia,Mazzei, Lisa A.寫的 Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research: Viewing Data Across Multiple Perspectives 和PaulAllenMiller,AlexanderBeecroft,BennettYu-HsiangFu,NicolasVazs的 Digitalizing the Global Text:Philosophy, Literature, and Culture都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自 和國立臺灣大學出版中心所出版 。

輔仁大學 哲學系 尤煌傑所指導 高浩容的 自我與存有——論羅洛・梅的存在心理治療 (2021),提出Ontological meaning關鍵因素是什麼,來自於存在心理治療、哲學治療、哲學諮商、人格、此有、此有分析、存在主義、羅洛・梅、田立克、海德格、賓斯萬格、博斯。

而第二篇論文國立政治大學 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS) 吳考甯所指導 江薇的 現代化的尪公:歷史、象徵,及非人能動性 (2021),提出因為有 台灣、非人能動性、歷史、尪公、保儀大夫、民間宗教、儀式、人格性、新泛靈論的重點而找出了 Ontological meaning的解答。


除了Ontological meaning,大家也想知道這些:

Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research: Viewing Data Across Multiple Perspectives

為了解決Ontological meaning的問題,作者Youngblood Jackson, Alecia,Mazzei, Lisa A. 這樣論述:

Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research: Second Edition demonstrates how to enact various philosophical concepts in practices of inquiry, effectively opening up the process of thought in qualitative studies.Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research functions as a refusal of pregiven metho

d, intensifying creativity, experimentation, and newness. Readers are invited into the threshold of theory to traverse philosophers and their concepts, reorienting conventional approaches to inquiry. Each chapter presents a thinking with process as a way of reading intensively through plugging in pe

rformative accounts of two first-generation academic women to philosophical concepts from Derrida, Spivak, Foucault, Butler, Barad, and Deleuze and Guattari. This book is a deliberate attempt to unsettle what is expected to be represented or recognized in terms of both meaning and method in traditio

nal practices of qualitative research, which become unproductive and untenable in this different image of thought.New to this editionFully revised and rewritten Chapter 1 that introduces the technique of plugging in as contingent, strategic movements of thought. Also new to Chapter 1 is a shift in l

anguage away from traditional practices in qualitative research (data and analysis) to performative accounts and becoming-questionsFully revised "Thinking with intra-action" chapter, which focuses on Karen Barad’s ontoepistemological framework of agential realism, and the concepts of posthumanist pe

rformativity and entangled agenciesFully revised and rewritten Chapter 8 that presents plugging in and thinking with as ontologicalFurther development of and new material on the "plugging in" techniqueSchematic cues updated and extended for all of the InterludesIn the ten years since the first editi

on was published, Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research has become a vanguard text in the field of postfoundational inquiry for its accessible but thorough introductions to philosophically informed inquiry. This book is for experienced and novice researchers, and students in introductory, gen

eral, and advanced qualitative inquiry courses, who may also be first-time readers of philosophy. This text will function as an entry into techniques of thinking with a new theoretical vocabulary.


為了解決Ontological meaning的問題,作者高浩容 這樣論述:




Digitalizing the Global Text:Philosophy, Literature, and Culture

為了解決Ontological meaning的問題,作者PaulAllenMiller,AlexanderBeecroft,BennettYu-HsiangFu,NicolasVazs 這樣論述:

  A few years ago globalism seemed to be both a known and inexorable phenomenon. With the end of the Cold War, the opening of the Chinese economy, and the ascendancy of digital technology, the prospect of a unified flow of goods and services and of people and ideas seemed unstoppable. Yes,

there were pockets of resistance and reaction, but these, we were told, would be swept away in a relentless tide of free markets and global integration that would bring Hollywood, digital fi nance, and fast food to all.   Nonetheless, we have begun to experience the backlash against a global world

founded on digital fungibility, and the perils of appeals to nationalism, identity, and authenticity have become only too apparent. The anxieties and resentments produced by this new world order among those left behind are oft en manifested in assertions of xenophobia and particularity. The “other”

is coming to take what is ours, and we must defend ourselves!   Digitalizing the Global Text is a collection of essays by an international group of scholars that situate themselves squarely at this nexus of forces. Together they examine how literature, culture, and philosophy in the global and dig

ital age both enable the creation of these simultaneously utopian and dystopian worlds and offer resistance to them. 好評推薦   “Digitalizing the Global Text is a vibrant volume that explores the paradoxes of the local, the global, and the universal, with particular emphasis on the digital humanities.

This wonderful collection of essays from an accomplished global group of contributors will be of wide interest to humanities scholars.”--- Jeffrey R. Di Leo, University of Houston–Victoria   “Traversing historical periods and national boun d aries, with topics ranging from Plato to ‘Gang nam Style

,’ the essays in Digitalizing the Global Text represent a vast array of perspectives while resisting the tendency to fetishize or hype the global. This collection represents a major contribution to the study of world literatures and cultures.”--- ROBERT T. TALLY JR., Texas State University   “Digit

alizing the Global Text is a splendid contribution to the ongoing work of challenging globalism. Refusing to settle for its dominant neoliberal form, marked by the digitization of knowledge and homogenization of cultural production, this volume pursues alternative forms of life—recalcitrant ones—tha

t do not sacrifice the singularities of the local in their illustration and enactment of the global.”--- ZAHI ZALLOUA, Whitman College   “Digitalizing the Global Text stages a crucial intervention into discussions and debates around globalization and digitalization. How can we begin to imagine anew

a globalization and a digital sphere that do not merely translate into capitalist profiteering? This is the crucial question at once asked and answered by this collection.”--- CHRISTOPHER BREU, author of Insistence of the Material   “This is a timely and forthright collection on what happens to th

e cultural within forms of globalization and globality. Essays address not just the impact of popular culture but also attempt to understand how thinking itself is recalibrated between the shifting scales of local and global. A template for global cultural critique.”--- PETER HITCHCOCK, Baruch Colle

ge, City University of New York  


為了解決Ontological meaning的問題,作者江薇 這樣論述:

近年來,一個名為「尪公巡田園」的宗教農業活動,在臺灣臺北重新得到人們的關注。這個活動是由當地企業、政府機關,以及傳統寺廟合作舉辦。在十八世紀時,來自中國福建的移民將神明「尪公」帶到臺北。早期的移民們往往會祈求尪公的庇佑,以擴大他們的土地開墾面積,並保護農作收成。到了十九世紀中葉,臺灣的商業、政治中心漸漸從南方轉移到北方,尪公信仰在當時顯得愈發重要。隨著十九世紀的全球茶葉貿易熱潮,臺灣以出口導向為主的茶產業推動了臺灣的發展,並走向現代化。經過政權更迭,臺灣當地神明一度被邊緣化,然而時至今日,尪公又重新成為臺北重要的開基神祇。  在過去,尪公和祂的信眾們塑造了農業和商業的盛況。如今,後工業時代下
