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國立臺灣科技大學 應用外語系 鍾玉玲所指導 許志達的 探討兩岸翻譯文化詞上的差異:以網飛原創影集《日落豪宅》為例 (2019),提出Sky tv schedule關鍵因素是什麼,來自於影視翻譯、字幕翻譯、文化詞、實境節目、兩岸翻譯差異。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣師範大學 科技應用與人力資源發展學系 余鑑、于俊傑所指導 陳映潔的 個人與組織適配、知覺主管支持對敬業貢獻與組織公民行為之影響 (2014),提出因為有 個人與組織適配、知覺主管支持、敬業貢獻、組織公民行為的重點而找出了 Sky tv schedule的解答。

最後網站ABC Fall Schedule: Big Sky Makes Big Move, black-ish ...則補充:ABC is the latest broadcast network to unveil it's 2021 Fall TV schedule (following NBC and Fox), and it's pretty much business as usual ...


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Sky tv schedule進入發燒排行的影片

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Jessie Chung is an international recording artist and actress based in Australia, currently under the management of Future Entertainment & Music Group. True to her multitalented status, she is also a doctor of medicine in oncology, naturopathic doctor (US), certified nutritional consultant (US), homeopathic doctor, certified iridologist, biotech researcher, accomplished entrepreneur, author, martial arts coach, and philanthropist from Malaysia. Besides holding a doctor of medicine degree (M.D.) in Clinical Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine—Oncology from Guangzhou University of TCM, China, she also possesses a MBA from The University of South Australia and a BSc. in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Oriental Medical Institute, Hawaii, USA. In recent years, she was the only naturopathic oncologist selected as one of the Hummingbird Cancer Centre leading members to head their natural therapy department.

Her passion for music was evident at a young age as she racked up numerous singing competition awards. In junior high school, Jessie was the only youth representative in the entire district selected to sing at the National Day Celebration. She then proceeded to perform on many TV programmes in subsequent years. Her high school years in Canada was highlighted by her participation in an international talent contest held by TVB, and she successfully entered into the finals at the ripe age of sixteen. Besides singing, Jessie also has a gift for musical instruments, passing grade 8 organ at a young age with distinction, under the examination of Japanese auditors.

After her studies, she devoted herself into the entertainment industry and charity; so far, she has released eight albums and starred in three feature films. In 2013, she took on lead actress in the Chinese film Faces and Malaysian film Unchanging Love. She also appeared in the 2014 film Kungfu Taboo.

She is known for her ebullient and enigmatic concert performances in countries all around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, and Malaysia. With experience in dozens of concerts in five different languages, Jessie yielded huge responses from fans around the world during her 2015 Love Unity Concert, leaving barely any space in the arena. Building on her success from the previous year, she proceeded to perform in the Jessie Chung Exquisite Chinese Orchestra Concert in 2016, selling out all ten performances. Besides touring and performing in concerts, she has also starred in several stage plays, tackling lead roles in Malaysia, Singapore and Canada. Her recent stage production Moonlight was also well received by the visual arts community, and the organizer has brought Moonlight to numerous locations around the country.

By now, she has released six Chinese albums and two English albums. Her single Love in You was selected as the theme song for the Korean TV series My Secret Garden in Taiwan, whereas her album of the same name topped Malaysia’s aiFM Top Hits Chart, staying at number 1 for many consecutive weeks. In China, her album Loving You charted among the top 10. Her recent album Tearless Sky rose to 4th place on the I Radio Top Hits Chart and 6th place on the Pop Radio Top Ten Music Chart just within two weeks of initial release in Taiwan. The album was well received by the public and has received appraisal from music journalists. She has appeared on numerous TV shows in Taiwan, and her album was strongly recommended by the TV hosts of the programmes, one of them being Kevin Tsai (Cai Kang Yong), in his legendary TV show Kangsi Coming. Exhibiting a strong presence on TV shows, Jessie has recently been invited to host TV shows in both China and Australia.

Although she spends a great deal of time releasing albums and performing on stage, Jessie also enjoys a retreat from the hectic world once in a while to recharge and ponder upon her life. During these quiet times squeezed out of her schedule, she authored Stay Away from Cancer, Stay Away from Diseases, and the Jessie Diary series, informing the world with her medical experiences while also giving them a peek into her soul. She has authored more than ten literary and medical works to date, most of them in English and Chinese, with translations in Malay.

As an accomplished martial arts practitioner, Jessie has successfully achieved the 5th Duan of Chinese Wushu Duanwei; she is also a certified Wushu coach, referee, and instructor. She has won a total of 12 gold medals and 5 silver medals in various international Wushu competitions.

Jessie has been honoured with countless awards received from various ministers of Malaysia for her achievements, particularly two awards from the prime ministers of Malaysia.


為了解決Sky tv schedule的問題,作者許志達 這樣論述:

隨著影視產業的普及與全球化的趨勢,世界各地的觀眾都能欣賞到不同語種的影集。有鑑於此,影視翻譯(Audiovisual Translation)中的字幕翻譯(Subtitling)扮演了重要的角色。近年來,由於較不受到播出時段的限制,觀眾也能依照自己的計劃收看節目,影音串流服務(OTT Service)日漸受到年輕觀眾的熱愛。翻譯過程中,譯者須處理文化詞(Culture-specific Items),其為一語言族群中的特定詞彙,能反映當地文化特色,不過,翻譯文化詞具有挑戰性。因此,國內外有不少學者致力於翻譯文化詞的研究,然而,國內研究大多著重在文學作品上。近年來,雖然字幕翻譯中的文化詞研究日

漸增多,但大多僅探討翻譯文化詞上的策略運用,且研究題材多為主流的影集種類,較少聚焦在實境節目類別。另外,鮮少研究探討兩岸翻譯文化詞上的差異。因此,本研究以美國知名串流影音平台Netflix(臺灣譯名:網飛)推出的原創影集中,一部美國不動產交易的實境節目Selling Sunset(臺灣譯名:日落豪宅)第一季為題材,蒐集影集中出現的143個文化詞,以佩德森(Pedersen)於2011年提出的文化詞類別為架構,輔以佩德森(Pedersen)於2011年提出的文化詞翻譯策略為模型,質化分析其策略運用,再量化分析策略使用的頻率。此外,研究者從影集節錄十一個的片段中,篩選出十八個具有差異性的例子,進行

問卷調查,調查兩岸觀眾對於此差異的看法及偏好的翻譯策略。研究結果顯示,整體而言,兩岸譯者翻譯文化詞時,較常採取既定翻譯(Official Equivalent)策略,此外,臺灣譯者也偏好使用直譯(Direct Translation)及闡明(Specification)及策略,大陸譯者則偏好採取省略(Omission)及概述(Generalization)策略。對於觀眾反應方面,兩岸觀眾及譯者偏好的翻譯策略大致相同,唯有幾項策略具有些微差異。希望藉由本文之討論,提供日後譯者翻譯文化詞的方向與參考。


為了解決Sky tv schedule的問題,作者陳映潔 這樣論述:

「人」是企業組織運作的根本,當人才的流失高於企業遞補人力的速度,將使得企業難以持續下去,因此如何降低員工流失,以及增進人才吸引力便成為一個重要的問題。而擁有組織公民行為的員工會維護公司形象或主動澄清他人對組織看法的誤會,讓人才減少錯誤的組織資訊(Farh, Earley, & Lin, 1997: 421, 428),並能促進團隊和諧、吸引優秀人才、提升員工留任意願、組織適應力等(Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Paine, & Bachrach, 2000: 543)。這尤以銀行服務業對組織公民行為的影響較一般服務業、製造業、營建業為顯著(Shin, 2012)。因此本研究著重

在金融服務產業的組織公民行為。 本研究旨在探討員工個人與組織適配、知覺主管支持、敬業貢獻與組織公民行為之間的關聯;並以敬業貢獻為中介變項,運用層級迴歸來分析敬業貢獻在個人與組織適配、知覺主管支持與組織公民行為之間的中介效果;以及以知覺主管支持為調節變項,分析知覺主管支持在個人與組織適配及組織公民行為之間是否具有調節效果。此外,本研究以金融服務業員工為研究對象,採用便利抽樣方法進行問卷調查,共取得512個有效樣本。 研究結果發現:(1) 個人與組織適配對敬業貢獻有正向影響,(2) 知覺主管支持對敬業貢獻有正向影響,(3) 個人與組織適配對組織公民行為有正向影響,(4) 知覺主管支持對

組織公民行為有正向影響,(5) 敬業貢獻對組織公民行為有正向影響,(6) 敬業貢獻在個人與組織適配及組織公民行為間具有部分中介效果,(7) 敬業貢獻在知覺主管支持及組織公民行為間具有部分中介效果,(8) 知覺主管支持對個人與組織適配影響組織公民行為具有正向調節效果。期望透過本研究能提供企業管理者在人才管理上之參考,協助組織有效運作。