Testify的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列線上看、影評和彩蛋懶人包

Testify的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Benneyworth, Garth寫的 The Battle of Magersfontein: Victory and Defeat on the South African Veld, 10-12 December 1899 和的 Colonialism and the Jews in German History: From the Middle Ages to the 20th Century都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站testify中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典也說明:testify 的例句. testify. In the context of this song, the rap text indeed takes on dimensions of both testifying and preaching. 來自Cambridge English Corpus.

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

中央警察大學 資訊管理研究所 鄧少華、董正談所指導 王逸嵐的 區塊鏈於交通事故數位證據保全之應用 (2021),提出Testify關鍵因素是什麼,來自於證據監管鏈、數位證據、區塊鏈、RBAC 模型。

而第二篇論文國立高雄大學 法律學系碩士班 吳俊毅所指導 邱能毅的 論新媒體時代於刑事訴訟上對具新聞從業人員身分證人調查之研究 (2021),提出因為有 拒絕證言權、新媒體記者、記者證照、職業保密義務的重點而找出了 Testify的解答。

最後網站Facebook whistleblower to testify at U.S. Senate hearing next ...則補充:Two U.S. senators said on Tuesday a Facebook Inc whistleblower will testify at a Senate hearing next week about what one of them called the ...



The Battle of Magersfontein: Victory and Defeat on the South African Veld, 10-12 December 1899

為了解決Testify的問題,作者Benneyworth, Garth 這樣論述:

Magersfontein is an iconic battle, fought during the South African War of 1899-1902, also known as the Anglo Boer War.Over 30 years of research informs this book, the first ever source referenced history about Magersfontein and other actions, fought in the lead up to this monumental clash between Br

itish and Boer forces. It details the Kimberly Siege and the intensity of combat fought at Belmont, Graspan and, in particular Modder River, an understated yet key battle during the opening months of the war. The history of the Belmont battle is completely re-written, as too Modder River and especia

lly Magersfontein, the focus of this work.No shortage of publications exists on the South African War and Magersfontein. Visits to offline or online bookshops testify, yet myths perpetuate, legends, ideologies, hand down errors, fabrications and sloppy research by self-appointed experts. Contemporar

y sources regurgitate without analysis, and many recent publications offer no references to sources, some proudly so. None consult the rich and extensive archives in the Kimberley and Bloemfontein museums, mostly mimicking each other, using stock standard sources, while ignoring Dutch and Afrikaans

language survivor accounts, resulting in lopsided narratives.To address this historical hole, the author used primary sources, never before published diaries, letters, photographs, maps, battle orders, official histories and reports, personal reflections, regimental histories of the war and survivor

interviews, collected over 30 years. The originals being lodged in archives, libraries, museums and private collections in the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia.The archive of physical landscape weaves through the written archive. Having walked the killing grounds for over three decades, t

he author’s insights into the archaeology and tangible record speak. Original artillery positions, British infantry, cavalry and Boer commando positions identified by the detritus of battle, as too, forgotten burial sites of human casualties, from all sides.Original findings emerge. At Magersfontein

the Boer forces never excavated a trench from unbroken ground, a mythology debunked. Rather, they adapted a rain water gulley to form a decisive defensive position. Areas of action, which existing narratives glide over, nor mention, include the almost successful British outflanking of Magersfontein

Hill, attacking through the Boer horse lines, the three Boer Defensive Clusters and, importantly, the two Boer counter attacks which broke the Highland Brigade. The Boer forces were mobile participants in winning their victory, not passively parked in trenches, as most narratives present.Insights i

nto military commanders emerge, never before published. Importantly, the war between the Generals, which this work uncovers, relying on unpublished recollections of conversations between senior officers from both sides. The loathing between two prominent Boer generals emerge, as too the incompetence

of the leading British General, glossed over for 122 years. Captured in this infighting, were loyal, efficient and brave British and Boer commanders and ordinary soldiers from both sides. Many of whose voices speak through this narrative for the first time, doing justice and testimony to their uniq

ue, yet terrifying experiences and observations of warfare, in Victory and Defeat on the South African Veld.


她曾被稱為世界上最年輕的白手起家女億萬富翁,也被譽為下一個賈伯斯,Elizabeth Holmes 十九歲創立醫療科技新創 Theranos,市值一度高達 90 億美元。但《華爾街日報》2015 年的一篇報導改變了一切,Holmes 被指控詐欺,Theranos 也於 2018 年歇業。備受矚目的詐欺案即將開庭。

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本集 timestamps
0:00 Intro
0:56 第一遍英文朗讀
3:28 新聞 & 相關單字解說
16:58 額外單字片語
23:09 第二遍英文朗讀


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CNBC: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/30/elizabeth-holmes-one-time-billionaire-and-ceo-finally-goes-on-trial.html
CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/08/30/tech/elizabeth-holmes-theranos-trial/index.html
BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-58336998
NPR: https://www.npr.org/2021/08/30/1031314018/elizabeth-holmes-theranos-fraud-trial


Silicon Valley 矽谷
Elizabeth Holmes
Company valuation 公司估值
Turtlenecks 高領上衣
Lofty 崇高的
Mission 使命
Blood tests 血液檢查
Blood sample 血樣
Tube 樣本管
Cancer 癌症
Diabetes  糖尿病
HIV 愛滋病毒
Slogan 標語
John Carreyrou
Billionaire 億萬富翁
Media darling 媒體寵兒
Heyday 最風光的時候
Prime 鼎盛期
Peak 頂峰
Pinnacle 巔峰
Trial 審判
San Jose 市
Jury 陪審團
Fraud 詐欺
Prosecutors 檢察官
Rip off
Investors 投資人
Whistleblower 吹哨者
Testify 作證
Strategy 戰略
Jurors 陪審員
Patients 患者
Miscarried 流產
Fake it until you make it 假裝它直到你成功
Wake-up call 警示
Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani
Chief Operating Officer (COO) 營運長
Mental state 精神狀態
Outrageous 離譜
Corporate governance 公司治理
White collar crime 白領犯罪
Intent 意圖
Seams 線縫
Come / Fall apart at the seams
Fret not
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional

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為了解決Testify的問題,作者王逸嵐 這樣論述:

警察核心工作為治安與交通兩項,將資訊科技運用於交通事故,可有效提升警察工作效能,加速交通事故現場之偵查與重建。發生交通事故之機率,與車輛普及率提高有高度正相關,凸顯出交通事故數位證據保全之重要性提升,但目前卻甚少人著重於此。隨著時代技進步,Deepfake 技術可能被有心人士利用於交通事故之數位證據中,可能使證據喪失其證據能力,造成警方製作後續文件之不正確,嚴重影響民眾權益。依照錯誤的證據所製作的道路交通事故初步分析研判表,仍舊是不正確的,即使後續申請鑑定意見書,被隱藏的真相仍無法被發現。為了解決上述的困境,本研究將區塊鏈技術應用於交通事故數位證據之保全並結合雲端技術進行數位證據即時保存,開

發交通事故數位證據監管鏈,並藉由 RBAC 模型設定每一位使用者之權限。因交通事故處理涉及到警方、行車鑑定委員會以及法院等三方,故採聯盟鏈方式,提升警政合作效率,降低當相關交通事故報告之真實性出現爭議時,當事人、專業人員及警察須舟車往返法院當庭作證之法院程序成本。本研究使用區塊鏈技術來接收、儲存、維護和使用所收集的交通事故數位證據,能將每一個數位證據建造一個專屬的數位指紋,因此一個交通事故案件中具備多個數位指紋。透過比對即可了解何處被惡意更改,減少以大海撈針方式尋找,提升警方工作效率。

Colonialism and the Jews in German History: From the Middle Ages to the 20th Century

為了解決Testify的問題,作者 這樣論述:

Colonialism and the Jews in German History brings together new and path-breaking studies on the historical relationship between colonialism and the Jews in Germany. The book considers the mutual influences on the situation of the Jews in Germany, including attitudes towards Jews and anti-Semitism

but also Jewish self-conceptions, and the ideology and politics of German colonialism. The contributors discuss the ways in which colonial ideology and practice have affected the position of the Jews in Germany, and the relationship between anti-Semitism and colonial racism. In doing so, the volume

introduces German colonialism as a relevant context for German-Jewish history, and it expands the perspective on German colonial history significantly by considering Jews both as distinct objects and also as agents within the field of German colonialism. The volume includes studies on the pre-colon

ial era, the phase of active German colonialism since the 1880s, and the time after Germany lost its colonies in the First World War. All these studies testify to the fact that German-Jewish history takes on additional significance if seen as part of a global history of collective relationships.


為了解決Testify的問題,作者邱能毅 這樣論述:


