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東吳大學 巨量資料管理學院碩士學位學程 鄒慶士、許晉雄所指導 吳信宏的 機器學習與深度學習於短文本摘要與分類之研究–以信用卡帳單與企業名錄為例 (2019),提出Tree PNG free關鍵因素是什麼,來自於機器學習、淺層學習、深度學習、深度神經網絡、自動摘要、自動分類、短文探勘、自然語言處理、信用卡帳單、企業名錄、短文摘、支援向量機、天真貝氏、隨機森林、梯度提升樹、C5.0決策樹、全連結層神經網路、多層感知器、卷積神經網路、遞歸神經網路、自動編碼器、詞嵌入、字元嵌入。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣科技大學 電子工程系 方文賢、李三良所指導 LEMI BEDJISA DANO的 Design of Silicon Photonic Switches for the Applications of Optical Networks (2018),提出因為有 Asymmetric curved DCs、Broadband DCs、Particle swarm optimization、Switch cells、Thermo-optic effect的重點而找出了 Tree PNG free的解答。


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為了解決Tree PNG free的問題,作者吳信宏 這樣論述:

資料是新能源,但是就跟石油一樣,它需要被提煉、萃取才能轉換成有價值的商品,在銀行多種業務的客戶往來資料中,以信用卡資料量最多,同時客戶的資訊含量也最為豐富,傳統上以資訊科學手法將這些資料賦予消費類別或彙整為特定商家,皆為工人智慧所累積出來的規則集,既無法全面也不易維護,運用資料科學手法建立自動摘要、自動分類,將可大幅提高處理效率以及包含更廣泛範圍。本研究之短文摘自動摘要為對信用卡帳單摘要,運用自訂詞性標記與標準詞性標記提取特徵,形成特徵向量空間,再運用機器學習包含隨機森林(Random Forest)、梯度提升樹(Gradient Boosting)、天真貝氏、類人工神經網路與C5.0決策樹

等演算法,自動摘要出商店名稱,實驗結果以決策樹系列的Random Forest模型與C5.0模型表現最佳,F1度量95%以上、ROC曲線下面積99%以上。本研究之短文摘自動分類為對中華黃頁企業名錄之公司行號名稱,以分別以監督式字詞層級編碼(詞頻卡方)及字元層級非監督式編碼(word2vec)建立向量特徵空間,再各自運用機器學習(包含Gradient Boosting與支援向量機(SVM))與深度學習(包含多層感知器(MLP)、卷積神經網路(CNN)、遞歸神經網路(RNN)、長短期記憶網路(LSTM)、門控循環單元(GRU)、雙向遞歸神經網路等)演算法建立自動分類器,並混合深度學習之Autoen


Design of Silicon Photonic Switches for the Applications of Optical Networks

為了解決Tree PNG free的問題,作者LEMI BEDJISA DANO 這樣論述:

The performance and efficiency of modern complex networks (such as data center networks and telecommunication networks) can be enhanced using fast optical circuit switches (OCS) by actively rearranging the network configurations. Micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) switches that use moving mirro

r arrays are one of the commercially available optical switches that can scale to high port count with low insertion losses. However, they have long size, high drive voltage and limited reconfiguration speeds to be applicable in a highly dynamic traffic patterns.Recently, silicon-on-insulator (SOI)

technology is found to be an attractive platform to design and build optical switches with broadband operation and fast reconfiguration time since it allows a strong light confinement in silicon waveguides due to its high refractive index contrast. This gives promise for dense integration of differe

nt components of photonic devices such as optical switches. Consequently, large scale integrated optical circuits can be made at relatively low cost in large volume by leveraging the already existing Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication processes. With the use of thermo-optic e

ffect to induce a phase shift in the light travelling in the active region of the switch, optical switches with microsecond order response time is demonstrated. Therefore, this thesis work is primarily on the study of the design of Mach-Zehnder (MZ) based thermo-optic silicon photonic switches that

have compact size, broadband operation, and low insertion loss performances and that are able to be scalable to high port count.One of the desired performance of optical switches is its bandwidth, compactness and switching speed to handle the high data traffic. The bandwidth of the switches are usua

lly limited by its constituent components such as the directional couplers (DCs). Therefore, for the switch to operate over a broad wavelength range, its couplers need to be compact and broadband 3-dB couplers. This means that the coupler requires optimal performances. Thus, we first optimized the d

esign parameters of an asymmetric curved DC (ACDC) with PSO so that it achieves broadband operation and compactness of the coupler. Then, this optimized coupler is used in the design of a Mach-Zehnder (MZ) based thermo-optic (TO) switch. Therefore, we are able to design compact and broadband 2×2 opt

ical switches that are technological candidates promising for scalability to high port counts with low crosstalk levels and compact size. Consequently, an optical switch cell with broadband operation of about 130nm when its crosstalk level is defined to be