do you have time回答的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列線上看、影評和彩蛋懶人包

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最後網站do you have time的解答 - 工程師的救星則補充:metakermit 在2014-09-29 19:55:08 回答:. I like the output the datetime module provides, where time delta objects show days, hours, minutes, etc.


除了do you have time回答,大家也想知道這些:

do you have time回答進入發燒排行的影片

YOUTUBE LIVE Q&A Mantra to Repay Debt of Gratitude to Parents 回覆觀眾留言:

1) 00:42 - 如果唸超過49遍的報父母恩咒,可以嗎?比如算錯了,唸了54或112遍可以嗎?
Is it okay to recite the Mantra to Repay Debt of Gratitude to Parents more than 49 times? If I count wrongly, is ok to recite e.g. 54 times or 112 times?

2) 3:15 - 持咒前的心態準備
Your mindset preparation before mantra recitation.

3) 3:54 - 你在隨便持咒嗎?
Are you reciting mantra recklessly?

4) 4:48 - 請問一下我在神明廳唸父母經,是晚上唸的,怎會唸到起雞皮疙瘩呢?現在是農曆7月,是父母回來了嗎?聲明一下,我父母都離開人世了!
I recited the sutra in front of my altar at night. Why do I get goosebumps? It's 7th Lunar Month now. My parents have passed on. Have they came back?

5) 7:57 - 可不可以一邊聽報父母恩咒的佛曲,一邊唸報父母恩咒?
Can I listen to the Buddhist song of the mantra and recite at the same time?

6) 10:24 - 如何達到圓滿的持咒?
How to achieve perfection in mantra recitation?

7) 11:07 - 觀眾唸了報父母恩咒,三間空屋終於租出去!
After reciting the mantra, one viewer finally rented out his 3 empty houses!

直播聊天室 Live Chat Q&A:

8) 12:03 - 佛珠要開光嗎?
Does the chanting beads require consecration?

9) 12:30 - 一邊開車,一邊唸報父母恩咒,可以嗎?
Can I recite the Mantra to Repay Debt of Gratitude to Parents while driving at the same time?

10) 12:46 - 我習慣唸準提咒可以嗎?
I am used to reciting the Cundi mantra. Is it okay?

11) 13:14 - 請問過了七月還可以唸嗎?
Can I recite the mantra after 7th Lunar Month?

12) 13:45 - 我在關公前唸這咒,可以嗎?
I'm reciting the mantra in front of Guan Gong, is it fine?

13) 14:11 - 請問每天唸六字大明咒108遍,對嗎?
Is it correct to recite the Six Syllable Mantra 108 times?

14) 14:20 - 報父母恩咒是不是只唸到初十五,還是整個七月都要唸?
Can I recite the Mantra to Repay Debt of Gratitude to Parents till the 15th day of 7th Lunar Month, or must I do it for the whole month?

15) 14:35 - 請問拿計算機來唸可以嗎?
May I ask if I can use the calculator to recite the mantra?

16) 15:06 - 晚上十點可以唸嗎?
Can I recite after 10pm?
(?請看 Please watch:

17) 15:46 - 請問數珠的材質要用什麼比較好?
What material should I buy for my chanting beads?

18) 15:54 - 阿彌陀佛的佛號和六字大明咒的功效一樣嗎?
Do reciting the holy name of Amitabha Buddha and the Six Syllable Mantra have the same merits?

19) 16:33 - 獻水果有何禁忌嗎?
Are there any taboo in offering fruits?

20) 17:06 - 剛閱讀完當下集,還有什麼書籍推薦嗎?
I have finished reading the Moments of Illumination series. Do you have any book recommendation?

21) 17:48 - 老師我有看你影片,我只是想偷懶,唸到初十五,不要唸滿整個七月。
Teacher I did watch your video. I only wanted to goof off and recite till the 15th day instead of the whole 7th Lunar month.





??‍? 服務諮詢 :


Hi, I am Lee Ji Qian, a Chinese Metaphysics practitioner from Singapore. This journey in propagating Buddhism and Chinese Metaphysics has been full of hard knocks and exciting discoveries.

Through my videos and online writing, I hope to share my journey with you. So that you too can break free from the limits of your destiny and truly live a life you can call fulfilling. My destiny is in my own hands, not Heaven. So is yours.

It does not matter whether we can live a long or short life.
What matters most is living a life of value and contribution.