tronclass點名的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列線上看、影評和彩蛋懶人包

另外網站魔高一尺道高一丈?現在大學老師超狂點名法讓你翹不了課~也說明:「我們學校用tronclass,叫你開衛星定位且在一定時間內給他點名類~」. 科技太發達惹,老師也很潮都有跟上。 「我們是電腦課點名,老師用廣播模式,畫 ...

國立雲林科技大學 工業設計系 陳詩捷所指導 林烋毅的 以不同學習風格探討即時反饋系統APP資訊架構與振動回饋之介面設計研究 (2019),提出tronclass點名關鍵因素是什麼,來自於即時反饋系統、學習風格、資訊架構、振動回饋、使用性。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣海洋大學 資訊工程學系 葉春超所指導 奧蘭多的 設計與實作一個點名輔助系統 (2017),提出因為有 影像點名輔助系統、點名的重點而找出了 tronclass點名的解答。

最後網站如何於線上課程中透過TronClass 點名則補充:步驟2:點名開始後,學生需開啟TronClass APP,掃描於線上會議視窗中顯示的QR. Code,以進行簽到。投影螢幕上會依次顯示簽到成功的學生及簽到人數。老師可「放.




為了解決tronclass點名的問題,作者林烋毅 這樣論述:


位,分別探討2種學習風格x 2種資訊架構(深/淺)與2種學習風格x 3種振動模式(短振短停/短振長停/長振短停),實驗採組間設計,分別進行二階段雙因子變異數分析,以操作時間績效與使用感受為依變項,探究變項間的影響關係。本研究實驗結果為:學習風格因子,省思觀察型受測者對於振動的反應時間較快;資訊架構因子,深-資訊架構切換頁面時要切換較多頁面,因此需要花費較長時間,操作績效較差;振動模式因子,短振短停是反應時間最快且受測者主觀感受最緊急的振動模式,而短振長停是反應較慢且主觀感受較不緊急的振動模式。本研究經二階段實驗結果提出以下設計建議:(1)本研究所提出之淺-資訊架構較適合即時反饋系統APP;(2



為了解決tronclass點名的問題,作者奧蘭多 這樣論述:

Roll calling is a feature that has become essential in all schools and institutions. However, it is a procedure that is still inefficient to carry out. The more students in the class the more time it consumes. The method being proposed in this paper is known as the Image-based Roll-Call Assistant S

ystem (I-RCAS). The I-RCAS is an application that can be used on the student’s smart phone, which has a special interaction in the class. The teacher displays a random image on the screen, along with the current time. The student is required to take two pictures using the application. The first pict

ure is of the student’s face and the second one is of the random image and the time. The pictures will then be uploaded to the server for further inspection by the teacher or his assistant.By creating an image-based system combined with the use of smartphones, we believe that roll calls will be done

faster, it will be more convenient to the user, and teachers will be allowed to take multiple attendances at any time throughout the course of the lecture. This way students will be compelled to attend the class, making it difficult for students to miss a lecture for fear of being marked absent.