Ontology example的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列線上看、影評和彩蛋懶人包

Ontology example的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Lagerkvist, Amanda寫的 Existential Media: A Media Theory of the Limit Situation 和PaulAllenMiller,AlexanderBeecroft,BennettYu-HsiangFu,NicolasVazs的 Digitalizing the Global Text:Philosophy, Literature, and Culture都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Taxonomy vs Ontology: Machine Learning Breakthroughs也說明:But these different domains or ontologies have very specific uses. For example, a history teacher lecturing on the history of Winslow park ...

這兩本書分別來自 和國立臺灣大學出版中心所出版 。

淡江大學 英文學系博士班 蔡振興所指導 陳映華的 現代時間與自然:艾略特與懷海德 (2021),提出Ontology example關鍵因素是什麼,來自於自然哲學、四首四重奏、艾蜜莉‧海爾、第四維時空、認識論、事件、綿延、擴延、創生進程、瞬時性、共時性、相對論、光、因果性、超級 / 量子電腦、普魯福洛克、集合理論、阿岡本、薛丁格、疊加態、時間之箭 / 熵。

而第二篇論文亞洲大學 經營管理學系碩士在職專班 莊淑惠所指導 邱齡珠的 探討地政士服務業之競爭策略與商業模式—以J公司為例 (2021),提出因為有 地政士、商業模式、競爭策略、個案研究的重點而找出了 Ontology example的解答。

最後網站Ontology Generation and Visualization with Protégé則補充:In this example, we will be looking into creating an ontology based on very basic concepts/scenarios in a university.


除了Ontology example,大家也想知道這些:

Existential Media: A Media Theory of the Limit Situation

為了解決Ontology example的問題,作者Lagerkvist, Amanda 這樣論述:

Amanda Lagerkvist is Professor of Media and Communication Studies in the Department of Informatics and Media at Uppsala University. She is principal investigator of the Uppsala Informatics and Media Hub for Digital Existence. As Wallenberg Academy Fellow (2014-2018) she founded the field ofexistenti

al media studies. She heads the project: BioMe: Existential Challenges and Ethical Imperatives of Biometric AI in Everyday Lifeworlds funded by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation, in which her group studies the lived experiences of biometric AI, for example voice and facerecognition techn

ologies. She is the editor of Digital Existence: Ontology, Ethics and Transcendence in Digital Culture (2019).

Ontology example進入發燒排行的影片



Is an electronic film example of construction.
Transformation transparent by pressing button,
Sunroof or Maybach,
It is also used to partition and limo


為了解決Ontology example的問題,作者陳映華 這樣論述:

本論文嘗試以自然哲學的視角閱讀艾略特(Thomas Stearn Eliot)的《四首四重奏》、《透明人》,以及《阿爾弗瑞德‧普魯弗洛克的情歌》等作品。透過科學的角度,本論文希冀處理艾略特詩中的兩個重要主題:現代時間與自然。十九世紀前的科學著作,如:笛卡兒(René Descartes)、牛頓(Isaac Newton)、湯瑪斯‧楊(Thomas Young)等,皆以自然哲學稱之。科學對他們而言,是關乎自然和宇宙的哲學。此外,時間與光的研究密不可分。本論將時間分為兩個路線探討:光有多快及光有多小?我將它們對時間產生的影響力拿來解決艾略特《四首四重奏》中的時間問題:(一) 〈焚毀的諾頓〉代表時

間的靜止與瞬時性。(二)〈東科克〉不斷環繞著開始即結束、而結束便是開始的概念。(三)〈乾燥的薩爾維吉斯〉描述一個疊加態(superposition)的世 界,一個量子力學的初始狀態。 (四)〈小吉丁〉闡述在微觀下的自然,光子(photon)的傳播特性顯示時間在第四度空間以上倒流的可能性,瓦解牛頓(Isaac Newton)的時間觀。  論文共分為三章。第一章爬梳懷海德(Alfred North Whitehead)如何分析笛卡兒(René Descartes)、洛克(John Locke)、牛頓、愛因斯坦在哲學及科學的介紹為伊始,作為閱讀艾略特詩作的導言。第二章由科學角度看時間觀念的變化,從普

遍認定的牛頓三維線性時間觀:空間即空間、時間即時間的概念,跨越到愛因斯坦以降的時間觀:藉光速影響時間及其扭曲空間的能力,將時間增視為三度空間的第四個坐標系,使〈焚毀的諾頓〉和〈東科克〉具可行性。在此,時間是相對的,而光速為一常數(constant)。第三章就量子力學中,微觀下光子的特性:1) 光在波粒二相性(wave-particle duality)中的疊加態、2)光子的傳播違背線性時間因果關係(causality)來閱讀〈乾燥的薩爾維吉斯〉、〈小吉丁〉和《阿爾弗瑞德‧普魯弗洛克的情歌》。本章將普魯弗洛克視為一 擁有強大計算能力的超級/量子電腦,他將自身置於疊加態之奇想,在做出選擇前,藉著對

波函數(wave function)坍塌機率的計算,臆想諸多其他角色的可能性。 另外,論文提及艾略特重要信件公開及詩中時間可行性的科學佐證。信件方面,我提到關於西元2020年在普林斯頓大學圖書館公開的,艾略特給艾蜜莉‧海爾(Emily Hale)的1131封信及同年在哈佛大學公開的艾略特聲明信及其意義。科學佐證方面,包含:1) 太空人雙胞胎之一——史考特‧凱利(Scott Kelly)在太空旅行中,染色體中的端粒(telomere)變長,代表時間可能可以倒流。2)在量子力學的微觀狀態下,熱力學中向來視為不可隨時間遞減的時間之箭/熵(time’s arrow / entropy)卻在疊加態

中遞減。在此不但作為光子具有違反時間能力的證明,也同時證明艾略特詩中的時間描述,就二十一世紀角度來說,是有科學根據的。 在結論中,本論文作者藉由觀察二維世界生物——螞蟻眼中的世界,對比三維世界的人類眼中所見之巨大差異,解釋懷海德時間觀中的綿延(duration)為覺察事件(event)的能力,擴延(extension)為統合相關事件並產生意義的能力。觀察低維度宇宙的方式,或能對較高維度中既存的巨大差異,有更多的理解。另外,光的疊加態或許能理解成宇宙法則劃定前的階段。在此完全符合艾略特的信仰觀。如創世記一章三節道,『神說:「要有光。」就有了光。』光與暗物質相互定義彼此。

Digitalizing the Global Text:Philosophy, Literature, and Culture

為了解決Ontology example的問題,作者PaulAllenMiller,AlexanderBeecroft,BennettYu-HsiangFu,NicolasVazs 這樣論述:

  A few years ago globalism seemed to be both a known and inexorable phenomenon. With the end of the Cold War, the opening of the Chinese economy, and the ascendancy of digital technology, the prospect of a unified flow of goods and services and of people and ideas seemed unstoppable. Yes,

there were pockets of resistance and reaction, but these, we were told, would be swept away in a relentless tide of free markets and global integration that would bring Hollywood, digital fi nance, and fast food to all.   Nonetheless, we have begun to experience the backlash against a global world

founded on digital fungibility, and the perils of appeals to nationalism, identity, and authenticity have become only too apparent. The anxieties and resentments produced by this new world order among those left behind are oft en manifested in assertions of xenophobia and particularity. The “other”

is coming to take what is ours, and we must defend ourselves!   Digitalizing the Global Text is a collection of essays by an international group of scholars that situate themselves squarely at this nexus of forces. Together they examine how literature, culture, and philosophy in the global and dig

ital age both enable the creation of these simultaneously utopian and dystopian worlds and offer resistance to them. 好評推薦   “Digitalizing the Global Text is a vibrant volume that explores the paradoxes of the local, the global, and the universal, with particular emphasis on the digital humanities.

This wonderful collection of essays from an accomplished global group of contributors will be of wide interest to humanities scholars.”--- Jeffrey R. Di Leo, University of Houston–Victoria   “Traversing historical periods and national boun d aries, with topics ranging from Plato to ‘Gang nam Style

,’ the essays in Digitalizing the Global Text represent a vast array of perspectives while resisting the tendency to fetishize or hype the global. This collection represents a major contribution to the study of world literatures and cultures.”--- ROBERT T. TALLY JR., Texas State University   “Digit

alizing the Global Text is a splendid contribution to the ongoing work of challenging globalism. Refusing to settle for its dominant neoliberal form, marked by the digitization of knowledge and homogenization of cultural production, this volume pursues alternative forms of life—recalcitrant ones—tha

t do not sacrifice the singularities of the local in their illustration and enactment of the global.”--- ZAHI ZALLOUA, Whitman College   “Digitalizing the Global Text stages a crucial intervention into discussions and debates around globalization and digitalization. How can we begin to imagine anew

a globalization and a digital sphere that do not merely translate into capitalist profiteering? This is the crucial question at once asked and answered by this collection.”--- CHRISTOPHER BREU, author of Insistence of the Material   “This is a timely and forthright collection on what happens to th

e cultural within forms of globalization and globality. Essays address not just the impact of popular culture but also attempt to understand how thinking itself is recalibrated between the shifting scales of local and global. A template for global cultural critique.”--- PETER HITCHCOCK, Baruch Colle

ge, City University of New York  


為了解決Ontology example的問題,作者邱齡珠 這樣論述:

